No Bake Date Brownies

There are many different types of dates out there. Any variety will do for this recipe. I used Medjool dates as they are the most widely available. Normally if a recipe does not specify, they mean Medjool. Medjool dates are very sweet and have a maple-y flavor. The next most common is the Deglet Noor variety. These are a little less sweet and have a little more nutty flavor. Often these are a good “snacking” date. I could go into all the varieties, but just note for this recipe any date will do, the flavor might change slightly but the end result will still be delicious.

Fun fact: Eating dates late into pregnancy (after about 36 weeks) can help with the preparation of the uterus and cervix to go into labor. There are lots of suspected reasons as to why this happens. Dates are high in many vitamins, minerals and fiber. The effects of dates and the profession of labor has been studied for a number of years now. For more info, check out this article. Bottom line though is dates are sweet and delicious and make a great base to a no-bake brownie even if you aren’t trying to facilitate labor.

One other note, there is a slight difference between cocoa powder and cacao powder. Both are derived from the same cacao bean, so most people don’t know there is a difference! Cocoa powder is widely available at most grocery stores. Most people think of the Hershey’s container in the baking section. This type of cocoa powder is usually made from the roasted bean so therefor has been processed at a higher temperature. Cocoa powder can sometimes also contain sugar and milk powder. Cacao powder on the other hand, is made from the fermented beans that have not been roasted so the result is a little more bitter but higher in nutritional value (specifically flavonoid antioxidants and magnesium). I find my cacao powder at Whole Foods. Either variety will work for this recipe, but if using cocoa powder, make sure it is 100% cocoa and does not contain extra sugar or other additives.

No-Bake Date Brownies

(Makes 8 large brownies)


  • 2 1/2 cups (or 350 grams) pitted medjool dates

  • 1 Tablespoon creamy peanut butter

  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (can also use peanut flour or oat flour)

  • 1/2 cup cacao powder* (see note above)

  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

  • 3 Tablespoons mini chocolate chips (or cacao nibs)

  • Optional garnish: ~1 Tablespoon peanut butter and/or a few more walnut halves.


  • Soak the dates in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain.

  • In a food processor, add the dates and peanut butter. Blend until it forms a paste.

  • In a separate mixing bowl, combine coconut flour, cacao powder, walnuts and chocolate chips.

  • Add the date paste to the mixing bowl and combine well.

  • Empty mixture into a small square baking tin (I actually used a bread loaf tin) and push the mixture down

  • Flatten and place in the fridge to firm for up to 30 minutes.

  • For garnish, Top with a few more walnut halves. Press gently into the top of the brownies. Then, heat up the additional 1 Tbs. peanut butter in the microwave for a few seconds until it is runny enough to drizzle over the brownies. Drizzle in a zigzag pattern.

  • Cut brownies into squares and enjoy!


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